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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Economic

Publication ethics

The editorial ethics of the journal is a set of rules for the relationship between authors, editors and reviewers in the process of reviewing and publishing articles.

Ethical principles and obligations of editors

  1. The editor-in-chief and the technical secretary of the scientific journal are independently and independently responsible for making a decision on publication, relying on cooperation with the editorial board, the international expert council and the editorial board of the journal. The scientific content of the work in question and its scientific significance should always be taken into account when deciding on publication. The editor may be guided by the policy of the editorial board of the journal, current legal requirements regarding libel, copyright, legality and plagiarism.
  2. The editor-in-Chief and the technical Secretary should evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, origin, citizenship or political preferences of the authors.
  3. The editor-in-Chief, the technical secretary and the editorial board are not obliged to disclose information about the accepted manuscript unnecessarily to third parties, with the exception of authors, reviewers and other consultants.
  4. Editors should refuse to review manuscripts in case of conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative and other interactions and relationships with authors, companies and other organizations associated with the manuscript.
  5. The editor-in-Chief, together with the publisher, shall take adequate retaliatory measures in case of ethical claims concerning the reviewed manuscripts or published materials.

Ethics of authors

  • The authors are fully responsible for the selection and reliability of the facts, quotations, economic and statistical data, surnames, names, names of organizations and other information. The authors are responsible for the originality of the work provided. Plagiarism, falsification of the composition of authors, independent preparation of reviews of their articles, manipulation of citations are not allowed. Plagiarism is considered any borrowing of someone else's text without citation, as well as paraphrasing and borrowing ideas (research results) without reference to the author.
  • Participate in the process of preparing an article for publication, promptly and correctly responding to the wishes and comments of the editorial board and providing the information necessary for publication.
  • At the request of the editor, the authors should send additional information confirming the reliability of the research described in the article.
  • If indisputable errors are found in the work, the author is given the opportunity to make appropriate corrections or correct typos as soon as possible.
  • Authors submitting their works for publication in the journal confirm that their publication does not violate any of the existing copyrights.

Ethics of reviewers

  • All reviewers must adhere to generally accepted principles and standards during the review process.
  • Only an independent scientist with a sufficient level of professional competence in the reviewed field of science (topic, question, problem), who is not a member of the editorial board of the journal and makes a decision on the compliance of the publication with the requirements of scientific character and author's ethics, can act as a reviewer.
  • The manuscript submitted for review is a confidential document and is subject to copyright law, and therefore cannot be used by reviewers to discuss it with third parties or for personal purposes.